


教授,硕士/博士生导师。入选湖北省高层次人才计划、bat365在线平台登录(武汉)百人计划地大学者学科骨干人才。韩国西江大学博士,曾任新加坡-麻省理工学院研究与技术联盟中心博士后研究员。曾参与海外国家级科研项目10Nano EnergyBiosensors & BioelectronicsLab on a Chip等期刊发表论文20余篇,作特邀专题报告4国际学术会议大会报告5次,曾国际知名学术会议MicroTAS上获Hochuen便携式微流体装置竞赛第二名、在韩国ZEUS公司量子点革新诊断平台技术开发大奖赛中获得优秀论文奖等授权韩国发明专利3项。担任MicromachinesFrontiers in Sensors等国际期刊的特刊编辑,韩国机械协会、韩国微纳系统协会会员,中国微米纳米技术学会高级会员



ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7245-5109



Ÿ 微纳流控芯片的的研究,用于高通量、高灵敏度的疾病检测与诊断等;

Ÿ 面向水质深度净化的工程装备的研究,用于高效、可持续的水净化与过滤等;

Ÿ 面向海水资源利用的工程装备的研究,用于高效、可持续的海水淡化等;

Ÿ 微纳流体能源发生器的研究,用于便携式可穿戴式可植入式装置的能源供给等。




Ÿ 2013-082020-02,韩国西江大学,机械工程,博士

Ÿ 2003-092007-07,北京化工大学,机械工程及其自动化,学士


Ÿ 2022-02至今,bat365在线平台登录(武汉),bat365在线平台登录,教授

Ÿ 2020-092021-12,新加坡-麻省理工学院研究与技术联盟中心/Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology CentreSMART),博士后(导师:美国麻省理工学院Jongyoon Han教授)

Ÿ 2020-032020-09,韩国西江大学/Sogang University,机械工程学院,博士后

Ÿ 2013-062013-08,韩国西江大学/Sogang University,机械工程学院,研究助理


1. 湖北省高层次人才计划项目,20222026,在研,主持;

2. bat365在线平台登录(武汉)地大学者人才计划项目,20222026,在研,主持;

3. 韩国国家研究基金会项目,利用纳米尺度电动力学现象下增强的光催化反应来实现微塑料的绿色转化,20202025,在研,参与;

4. 韩国国家研究基金会项目,基于快速精确冷却技术的神经元信号传递建模与控制的基础研究实验室(BRL)20172023结题,参与;

5. 新加坡国家研究基金会, 博士后科研项目,低丰度外源性细菌或病毒的DNA/RNA分子检测平台,20202021,结题,参与;

6. 韩国国家研究基金会国际合作研究与交流项目,用于可穿戴设备的可持续性生物燃料电池和微能源管理系统,20182020,结题,参与;

7. 韩国中小企业技术情报振兴院项目,用于隐形眼镜中按需给药的超薄磁性微型泵的开发, 20172018,结题, 参与;


Ÿ 2019-09,青年学者奖,第4KSME-SEMES开放创新挑战赛,韩国机械学会,韩国;

Ÿ 2019-09,优秀海报奖,2019ICBE & ISNIT国际学术会议,中国吉林;

Ÿ 2019-022018年国家优秀自费留学生奖学金(全球500人),国家留学基金委,中国;

Ÿ 2018-12,最优秀论文奖,韩国西江大学机械工程学院,韩国;

Ÿ 2018-01,优秀论文奖,2017年量子点革新诊断平台技术开发大奖赛,ZEUS公司,韩国;

Ÿ 2017-10Hochuen便携式微流控器件二等奖,国际化学与生命科学之微型化系统学术会议(MicroTAS 2017),美国萨瓦纳;

Ÿ 2015-06,优秀论文奖提名,国际固态执行器与传感器学术会议(Transducers 2015),美国安克拉治;

Ÿ 2013-092017-08,西江一等国际奖学金,韩国西江大学,韩国;


1. Cong Wang, Joa Jeon, Eunseok Seo, Jungyul Park, “Ion-concentration-polarization-assisted photocatalytic reactor for highly efficient water purification”, Lab on a Chip (IF: 7.517, T1), Vol. 22, pp. 2962-2970, 2022. (微纳流控领域顶刊)

2. Cong Wang, Euijin Shim, Hyung-Kwan Chang, Nuree Lee, Hye Rim Kim, and Jungyul Park, “Sustainable and high-power wearable glucose fuel cell using long-term and high-speed flow in sportswear fabrics”, Biosensors & Bioelectronics (IF: 10.257, T1), Vol. 169, pp. 112652, 2020. (中科院分区工程技术一区)

3. Cong Wang, Eunpyo Choi, and Jungyul Park, “High-voltage nanofluidic energy generator based on ion-concentration-gradients mimicking electric eels”, Nano Energy (IF:15.548, T1), Vol. 43, pp. 291-299, 2018. (中科院分区工程技术一区)

4. Cong Wang, Keon Ah Lee, Eunpyo Choi, Keun-Young Lee, Seung-Yop Lee, Kwang-Hwan Jung, and Jungyul Park, “Enhancement of radionuclide bio-decontamination by screening highly efficient microalgae for Sr biomineralization”, Lab on a Chip (IF: 6.914, T1), Vol. 18, pp. 2270-2278, 2018. (微纳流控领域顶刊)

5. Jongwan Lee, Kyunghun Lee, Cong Wang (共同一作), Dogyeong Ha, Gun-Ho Kim, Jungyul Park, and Taesung Kim, “Combined Effects of Zeta Potential and Temperature of Nanopores on Diffusioosmotic Ion Transport”, Analytical Chemistry (IF: 6.986, T1), Vol. 93, Issue 42, pp. 14169-14177, 2021.

6. Cong Wang, Seung-Jun Seo, Jin-Seong Kim, Se-Hee Lee, Jae-Kun Jeon, Jae-Woo Kim, Ki-Hong Kim, Jong-Ki Kim, and Jungyul Park, “Intravitreal implantable magnetic micropump for on-demand VEGFR-targeted drug delivery”, Journal of Controlled Release (IF: 7.901, T1), Vol. 283, pp. 105-112, 2018.

7. Cong Wang, Chae Young Lim, Eunpyo Choi, Youngkyu Park and Jungyul Park, “Highly sensitive user-friendly thrombin detection using emission light guidance from quantum dots-aptamer beacons in 3-dimensional photonic crystals”, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical (IF: 5.401, T2), Vol. 223, pp. 372–378, 2016.

8. Nuree Lee, Cong Wang (共同一作), and Jungyul Park, “User-friendly point-of-care detection of influenza A (H1N1) virus using light guide in 3-dimensional photonic crystal”, RSC Advances (IF:3.049, T2), Vol. 8, pp. 22991-22997, 2018.

9. Eunpyo Choi, Cong Wang, Gyu Tae Chang, and Jungyul Park, “High current ionic diode using homogeneously charged asymmetric nanochannel network membrane”, Nano Letters (IF: 12.712, T1), Vol. 16, Issue 4, pp. 2189-2197, 2016. (自然指数期刊)

10. Jaehyun Kim, Joa Jeon, Cong Wang, Gyu Tae Chang and Jungyul Park, “Asymmetric Nanochannel Network-Based Bipolar Ionic Diode for Enhanced Heavy Metal Ion Detection”, ACS Nano (IF:15.881, T1), Vol. 16, Issue 5, pp. 8253-8263, 2022. (自然指数期刊)

11. Jaedeok Seo, Cong Wang, Sooyoung Chang, Jungyul Park, and Wonjung Kim, “A hydrogel-driven microfluidic suction pump with a high flow rate”, Lab on a Chip (IF: 6.774, T1), Vol. 19, pp. 1790-1796, 2019. (微纳流控领域顶刊)

12. Seonho Seok, Cong Wang, Elie Lefeuvre, and Jungyul Park, “Autonomous energy harvester based on textile-based enzymatic biofuel cell for on-demand usage”, Sensors (IF: 3.275, T2), Vol. 20, Issue 17, pp. 5009, 2020.


1. Cong Wang, “Mass Transport for Efficient Energy Conversion” (高效能源转换中质传输的研究), Institute of Microelectronics, Peking University, Beijing, China, Online, May 27th, 2022.(特邀报告)

2. Cong Wang, “Mass Transport for Efficient Energy Conversion” (高效能源转换中质传输的研究), School of Mechanical Engineering, Chonnam National University, Gwangju, Korea, Online, Apr 4th, 2022.(特邀报告)

3. Cong Wang, “Applications of Electrokinetics on Energy Conversion in Micro/nanofluidics” (纳米电动效应在微纳流体中能源转换的应用), Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology Center, Singapore, Dec 9th, 2019.(特邀报告)

4. Cong Wang, “High-voltage nanofluidic energy generator based on ion-concentration-gradients mimicking electric eels” (模仿电鳗的基于离子浓度梯度的高压纳米流体能源发电器), Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sogang University, Seoul, Korea, Dec 6th, 2018.(特邀报告)

5. Cong Wang, Keon Ah Lee, Eunpyo Choi, Keun-Young Lee, Seung-Yop Lee, Kwang-Hwan Jung, Jungyul Park, “Microalgae Screening in Microplatform using Dielectrophoresis for Enhancing the Capability of Radioactive Decontamination”, The 17th Korean Micro Electro Mechanical Systems Conference (KMEMS 2015), Jeju, Korea, pp. 7-9, April 2-4, 2015.(大会口头发表)

6. Cong Wang, Eunpyo Choi, and Jungyul Park, “Electric Eel Inspired High Voltage Nanofluidic Energy Harvester Based on Multiple Reverse Electrodialysis Cells”, The 19th Korean Micro Electro Mechanical Systems Conference (KMEMS 2017), Jeju, Korea, April 7-9, 2017.(大会口头发表)

7. Cong Wang, Jin-Seong Kim, Seung-Jun Seo, Ki-Hong Kim, Jong-Ki Kim, and Jungyul Park, “Intravitreal Implantable Check-valve-integrated Magnetic Micropump for On-demand Drug Delivery”, The 20th Korean Micro Electro Mechanical Systems Conference (KMEMS 2018), Jeju, Korea, April 5-7, 2018.(大会口头发表)

8. Cong Wang, Euijin Shim, Hyun-Kwan Chang, Nuree Lee, Zonglin Mu, Hye Rim Kim, and Jungyul Park, "Wearable Textile-based Glucose Fuel Cell Using Mositure Management Fabrics for Improved & Sustainable Power Generation", The 21th Korean Micro Electro Mechanical Systems Conference (KMEMS 2019), Jeju, Korea, April 4-6, 2019.(大会口头发表)

9. Cong Wang, Eunpyo Choi, and Jungyul Park, “Biomimetic Reverse Electrodialysis Based Nanofluidic Power Generator with Multiple Cells”, The 10th International Symposium on Nature-Inspired Technology (ISNIT 2017), Cebu, Philippines, June 28-July 1, 2017.(大会口头发表)

10. Nuree Lee*, Cong Wang*, and Jungyul Park, “Influenza a (H1N1) Virus Detection Using Qdot-aptamer Beacon in Emission Light Guidance Based 3D Photonic Crystal”, The 21st International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS 2017), Savannah, GA, USA, October 22-26, 2017.Hochuen便携式微流体器件二等奖)

11. Cong Wang, Keon Ah Lee, Eunpyo Choi, Keun-Young Lee, Seung-Yop Lee, Kwang-Hwan Jung, and Jungyul Park, “Enhancement of Radioactive Decontamination in Microalgae Using Dielectrophoresis Based Screening”, The 18th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators & Microsystems (Transducers 2015), Anchorage, AK, USA, pp. 1850-1853, June 21-25, 2015.(优秀论文奖提名)

12. Cong Wang, Eunjin Shim, Hyun-Kwan Chang, Hye Rim Kim, and Jungyul Park, “Wearable biofuel cell in sportswear”, The 6th International Conference of Bionic Engineering & International Symposium on Nature-Inspired Technology (ICBE & ISNIT 2019), Jilin, China, September 23-26, 2019.(优秀海报奖)

13. Cong Wang, Seung-Jun Seo, Jin-Seong Kim, Ki-Hong Kim, Jong-Ki Kim, and Jungyul Park, “In vitro & in vivo studies of intravitreal implantable magnetic micropump for on-demand drug delivery”, The 22st International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS 2018), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, November 11-15, 2018.(最佳海报奖提名)

14. Cong Wang, Eunpyo Choi, Gyu Tae Chang, and Jungyul Park, “Effect of Ion Current Rectification on Energy Harvesting by Reverse Electrodialysis”, IEEE The 29th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS 2016), Shanghai, China, pp. 1240-1243, January 2428, 2016.

15. Cong Wang, Eunpyo Choi, and Jungyul Park, “Reverse Electrodialysis Based Nanofluidic Power Generator with Multiple Cells”, The 19th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators & Microsystems (Transducers 2017), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp. 1824-1827, June 18-22, 2017.

16. Cong Wang, and Jungyul Park, “Ultra-thin magnetic micropump for on-demand drug delivery”, IEEE The 32nd International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS 2019), Seoul, Korea, January 27-31, 2019.

17. Cong Wang, Eunjin Shim, Hyun-Kwan Chang, Nuree Lee, Zonglin Mu, Hye Rim Kim, and Jungyul Park, “Wearable textile-based glucose fuel cell using mositure management fabrics for improved & long-term power generation”, The 20th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators & Microsystems (Transducers 2019), Berlin, Germany, June 23-27, 2019.

18. Cong Wang, and Jungyul Park, “Enhancement of photocatalytic reaction assisted by nanoelectrokinetics”, The 24nd International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS 2020), Online, October 4-9, 2020.


1. Jungyul Park, Cong Wang, Jin-seong Kim, 使用外部磁场驱动的可植入式药液泵(专利号:10-1839846),韩国

2. Jungyul Park, Cong Wang, Jungwook Kim, 超薄型药液泵(专利号:10-2112361),韩国

3. Wonjung Kim, Jaedeok Seo, Jungyul Park, Cong Wang, 微流体泵以及包含它的发电装置(专利号:10-2152265),韩国


Cong Wang, Ph.D.

Professor of Mechanical Engineering,

School of Mechanical Engineering and Electronic Information,

China University of Geosciences (Wuhan)

388 Lumo Road, Wuhan 430074, China

Office: Room 541, No. 2 Teaching Building


Dr. Cong Wang is a doctoral supervisor at China University of Geosciences, Wuhan. He received the B.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering & Automation from Beijing University of Chemical Technology and the Ph.D. degree in Mechanical Engineering at Sogang University, Seoul, Korea. Before joining China University of Geosciences as a professor of Mechanical Engineering in spring 2022, he worked as a postdoctoral associate at Sogang University and Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology (SMART), respectively. His research interests cover micro/nano fabrication, micro/nanofluidics, electrokinetics, energy conversion, biosensor, and bioMEMS. He presided and attended more than 10 domestic/overseas national research foundation projects. Moreover, he published over 20 academic papers including Nano Energy, Biosensors & Bioelectronics, Lab on a Chip, etc. and owns 3 national invention patents.

Research Interests:

Micro/Nano fabrication, Micro/Nanofluidics, Electrokinetics, Energy conversion, BioMEMS, Biosensor.

Ÿ Water purification and deep treatment, and water resources utilization

Ÿ Disease detection and diagnosis

Ÿ Green energy conversion

If you are interested in studying at our lab, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) as MS or PhD studunt, please contact me by email [congwang@cug.edu.cn]. A good background in engineering (ME, ChE, EE, MS etc) or science (Biology, Chemistry, Physics) would be a plus. International students are very welcome. For the finance supports, please find the detailed information in the following link on Chinese Government Scholarship-High Level Postgraduate Program funded by Ministry of Education of China.



Ÿ 08/2013-02/2020, Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, Sogang University, Seoul, Korea

Ÿ 09/2003-07/2007, B.S., Mechanical Engineering, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing, China

Professional Experience

Ÿ 02/2022-Present, Professor, School of Mechanical Engineering and Electronic Information, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, China

Ÿ 09/2020-12/2021, Postdoctoral Associate, Critical Analytics for Manufacturing Personalized-Medicine (CAMP), Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology Centre (SMART), Singapore (Advisor: Prof. Jongyoon Han @ MIT)

Ÿ 03/2020-09/2020, Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sogang University, Seoul, Korea (Advisor: Prof. Jungyul Park)

Ÿ 06/2013-08/2013, Research Assistant, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sogang University, Seoul, Korea

Research Projects:

Ÿ 2022-2026, "CUG Scholar" Scientific Research Funds, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, China

Ÿ 2020-2025, Eco-friendly conversion of microplastics using photocatalytic oxidation enhanced by nano-electrokinetics, National Research Foundation of Korea

Ÿ 2017-2023, BRL for Modeling and Control of Neuronal Signal Transmission based on Rapid and Precise Cooling Technology, National Research Foundation of Korea

Ÿ 2020-2021, Hierarchical nanofluidic molecular enrichment platform for low abundance biomolecule detection, National Research Foundation of Singapore

Ÿ 2018-2020, Integration of sustainable microbiofuel cells and micropower management for wearable devices, National Research Foundation of Korea

Awards & Honors:

Ÿ 02/2022-12/2026, "CUG Scholar" Scientific Research Funds, China University of Geosciences, China

Ÿ 02/2019, 2018 Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-financed Students, China Scholarship Council (CSC), China

Ÿ 01/2018, Outstanding Paper Award, Innovative Diagnosis Platform Technology Development Contest 2017, ZEUS, Korea

Ÿ 10/2017, Hochuen Portable Microfluidic Award Winner 2nd place, MicroTAS 2017, Savannah, GA, USA

Ÿ 06/2015, Outstanding Paper Award Finalist, Transducers 2015, Anchorage, AK, USA

Ÿ 09/2013-09/2017, Sogang Global Fellowship, Sogang University, Seoul, Korea

Selected Publications:

1. C. Wang, E. Choi, and J. Park, “High-voltage nanofluidic energy generator based on ion-concentration-gradients mimicking electric eels”, Nano Energy 2018, 43, 291-299.

2. C. Wang, E. Shim, H.-K. Chang, N. Lee, H. R. Kim, and J. Park, “Sustainable and high-power wearable glucose fuel cell using long-term and high-speed flow in sportswear fabrics”, Biosensors & Bioelectronics 2020, 169, 112652.

3. C. Wang, J. Jeon, E. Seo, and J. Park, “Ion-concentration-polarization-assisted photocatalytic reactor for highly efficient water purification”, Lab on a Chip, Vol. 22, pp. 2962-2970, 2022.

4. C. Wang*, K. A. Lee*, E. Choi, K.-Y. Lee, S.-Y. Lee, K.-H. Jung, and J. Park, “Enhancement of radionuclide bio-decontamination by screening highly efficient microalgae for Sr biomineralization”, Lab on a Chip 2018, 18, 2270-2278.

5. C. Wang*, S.-J. Seo*, J.-S. Kim, S.-H. Lee, J.-K. Jeon, J.-W. Kim, K.-H. Kim, J.-K. Kim, and J. Park, “Intravitreal implantable magnetic micropump for on-demand VEGFR-targeted drug delivery”, Journal of Controlled Release 2018, 283, 105-112.

6. C. Wang*, C. Y. Lim*, E. Choi, Y. Park, and J. Park, “Highly sensitive user friendly thrombin detection using emission light guidance from quantum dots-aptamer beacons in 3-dimensional photonic crystals”, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 2016, 223, 372378.

7. J. Lee*, K. Lee*, C. Wang*, D. Ha, G.-H. Kim, J. Park, and T. Kim, "Combined Effects of Zeta Potential and Temperature of Nanopores on Diffusioosmotic Ion Transport", Analytical Chemistry 2021, 93 (42), 14169-14177.