

李莹玉(Yingyu Li



Associate Professor

School of Mechanical Engineering and Electronic Informaton

China University of Geosciences (Wuhan)

Email: liyingyu29 AT cug DOT edu DOT cn

研究兴趣/Research Interests


Next-generation wireless networking technologies, machine learning and artificaial intelligence, semantic communication networks, federated edge intelligence, distributed optimization, green communication networks, Industrial Internet and Internet of Things.

招生信息/ Admissions Information



2014.09~2016.09,美国休斯敦大学/University of Houstion,国家公派联合培养博士/Joint PhD

2012.08~2018.09,西安电子科技大学人工智能学院/Xidian University,博士/PhD

2008.08~2012.07,西安电子科技大学电子工程学院/Xidian University,本科/Bachelor

工作经历/ Employment History

2021.12~至今,bat365在线平台登录(武汉)机电学院电信系/China University of Geosciences (Wuhan),特任副教授/Associate Professor

2018.10~2021.11,华中科技大学电子信息与通信学院/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,博士后/Postdoc

学术服务/Academic Services



国际会议技术委员会成员(Technical Program Committee Member)

International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP), 20202023.

国际会议分会主席(Session Chair)

The 12th International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP), 2020; Session: UAV-Based 5G/B5G.

期刊与会议审稿人(Reviewer for Journals and Conferences)

IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications

IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing

IEEE Communications Magazine

IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine

IEEE Network

IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology

IEEE Internet of Things Journal

IEEE Transactions on Big Data

IEEE Communications Letters

International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP)

IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC)

International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC)

IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC)

Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP)

指导研究生/Advised Graduate Students



协助指导博士生:Alaa Abdulmalik

指导本科生/ Mentored Undergraduate Students






主讲课程/ Teaching


科研项目/Research Projects

1. 国家自然科学基金委员会,青年基金项目,62301516,模型驱动的异构联邦边缘智能网络碳排放建模与优化,2024-01 至2026-12,30万元;主持,在研;

2. 国家实验室重大攻关项目(二期),****数理基础与核心算法, 2023-082025-07,参与,在研;

3. 湖北省国际科技合作计划项目,面向印尼通信工程复杂场景的云边协同智能运维系统研发及应用; 2023-2025年;50万元;课题负责人;在研;

4. 国家重点研发计划课题, 2022YFB2903201, 低功耗低复杂度相干光传输系统架构设计与验证,2022-11 至 2025-10;在研;参与;

5. 湖北省国际科技合作计划项目,2021EHB015,下一代通信网络AI关键技术及云平台研发,2021年-2023年,30万元;课题负责人;在研;

6. 国家实验室重大攻关项目课题,****基础理论与关键技术, 2021-06至2023-06,参与,在研;

7. 中国博士后科学基金会,第67批面上资助,面向下一代智慧物联网差异化需求的资源协同智适配,2020年7月获批,8万元;主持;已结题;

8. 湖北省人力资源与社会保障厅,博士后科技活动项目择优资助,物联网中基于多连接共享的低功耗通信机制与算法研究,2019年12月获批,2万元;主持;已结题;

9. 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,深度数据结构稀疏表示理论和质量提升技术研究,2015-01 至2018-12,83万元;参与,已结题;

10. 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,基于混叠编码感知的高分辨光谱视频获取机理与方法研究,2014-01至2017-12,80万元;参与,已结题;

11. 国家自然科学基金委员会,青年基金项目,面向森林监护的敏捷高光谱影像获取方法研究,2014-01 至2016-12,21万元;参与,已结题;

期刊论文/Journal Papers

1. Peng Zhang, Yong Xiao*, Yingyu Li, Xiaohu Ge, Guangming Shi, and Yang Yang, "Towards Net-Zero Carbon Emissions in Network AI for 6G and Beyond," accepted at IEEE Communications Magazine.

2. Yong Xiao, Yiwei Liao, Yingyu Li, Guangming Shi*, H. Vincent Poor, Walid Saad, Merouane Debbah, and Mehdi Bennis, "Reasoning over the Air: A Reasoning-based Implicit Semantic Communication Framework," accepted at IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (TWC).

3. Yong Xiao; Xiaohan Zhang; Yingyu Li*; Guangming Shi; Marwan Krunz; Diep N. Nguyen; DinhThai Hoang ; Time-sensitive Learning for Heterogeneous Federated Edge Intelligence, online at IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2023.

4. Yong Xiao, Rong Xia, Yingyu Li*, Guangming Shi, Diep N. Nguyen, Dinh Thai Hoang, Dusit Niyato, and Marwan Krunz, "Distributed Traffic Synthesizing and Classification Over Network Edge: A Federated Self-supervised Learning Approach," online at IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2023.

5. Guangming Shi*, Yong Xiao, Yingyu Li, and Xuemei Xie, "From Semantic Communication to Semantic-aware Networking: Model, Architecture, and Open Problems," IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 59, no. 8, pp. 44-50, August 2021.

6. 石光明*, 肖泳, 李莹玉, 高大化, 谢雪梅. 面向万物智联的语义通信网络. 物联网学报; 2021, 5(2):26-36.(《物联网学报》优秀论文)

7. Yong Xiao, Guangming Shi, Yingyu Li*, Walid Saad, and H. Vincent Poor, ”Toward Self-Learning Edge Intelligence in 6G”, IEEE Communications Magazine, Volume: 58, Issue:12, pp. 34-40, Decemeber 2020.

8. Qiang Li, Yuanmei Zhang, Yingyu Li*, Yong Xiao, and Xiaohu Ge, ”Capacity-Aware Edge Caching in Fog Computing Networks”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Volume: 69, Issue: 8, pp. 9244 - 9248, August 2020.

9. Yingyu Li, Guangming Shi*, Wotao Yin, Lanchao Liu, and Zhu Han, ”A Distributed ADMM Approach with Decomposition-Coordination for Mobile Data Offloading,” in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Volume: 67, Issue: 3, pp. 2514 - 2530, March 2018.

10. 石光明*, 李莹玉, 谢雪梅,“语义通讯——智能时代的产物”. 模式识别与人工智能, 31(1), pp. 91-99, 2018 年1 月.

11. Zheng Chang*, Jie Gong, Yingyu Li, Zhenyu Zhou, Tapani Ristaniemi, Guangming Shi, Zhu Han, and Zhisheng Niu, ”Energy Efficient Resource Allocation for Wireless Power Transfer Enabled Collaborative Mobile Clouds,” in IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 34, no. 12, pp. 3438-3450, December 2016.

会议论文/Conference Papers

1. Huixiang Zhu, Yong Xiao, Yingyu Li, Guangming Shi, and Walid Saad, "Physical-Layer Semantic-Aware Network for Zero-Shot Wireless Sensing," IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP) Workshop, Reykjavik, Iceland, October 2023.

2. Zhimin Lu, Yong Xiao, Zijian Sun, Yingyu Li, Guangming Shi, Xianfu Chen, Mehdi Bennis, and H. Vincent Poor, "Adversarial Learning for Implicit Semantic-Aware Communications," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Rome, Italy, May 2023.

3. Yong Xiao, Xu Zhang, Yingyu Li, Guangming Shi, and Tamer Başar, "Rate-distortion Theory for Strategic Semantic Communication," IEEE Information Theory Workshop, Mumbai, India, November 2022.

4. Yong Xiao, Yingyu Li, Guangming Shi, and H. Vincent Poor, "Reasoning on the Air: An Implicit Semantic Communication Architecture," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) Workshop, Seoul, South Korea, May 2022.

5. Jingming Liang, Yong Xiao, Yingyu Li, Guangming Shi, and Mehdi Bennis, "Life-Long Learning for Reasoning-Based Semantic Communication," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) Workshop, Seoul, South Korea, May 2022.

6. Qu Wang, Yong Xiao, Huixiang Zhu, Zijian Sun, Yingyu Li, and Xiaohu Ge, "Towards Energy-efficient Federated Edge Intelligence for IoT Networks," IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS) Workshop on Next-Generation Mobile Networking and Computing, Virtual conference, July 2021.

7. Dongzi Jin, Yong Xiao, Yingyu Li, Guangming Shi, and Dusit Niyato, "Optimizing Intelligent Reflecting Surface-Base Station Association for Mobile Networks," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Virtual conference, June 2021.

8. Juntong Liu, Yong Xiao, Yingyu Li, Guangming Shi, Walid Saad, and H. Vincent Poor, "Spatio-temporal Modeling for Large-scale Vehicular Networks Using Graph Convolutional Networks," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Virtual conference, June 2021.

9. Chenxin Xu, Rong Xia, Yong Xiao, Yingyu Li, Guangming Shi, and Kwang-cheng Chen, "Federated Traffic Synthesizing and Classification Using Generative Adversarial Networks," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Virtual conference, June 2021.

10. Yong Xiao, Yingyu Li, Guangming Shi, and H. Vincent Poor, ”Optimizing Resource-Efficiency for Federated Edge Intelligence in IoT Networks”, The 12th International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP 2020), Nanjing, Jiangsu, China, October 21-23, 2020. (Best Paper Award)

11. Rong Xia, Yong Xiao, Yingyu Li, Marwan Krunz, and Dusit Niyato, "A Generative Learning Approach for Spatio-temporal Modeling in Connected Vehicular Network," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Dublin, Ireland, June 2020.

12. Anqi Huang, Yingyu Li, Yong Xiao, Xiaohu Ge, Sumei Sun, and Han-Chieh Chao, "Distributed Resource Allocation for Network Slicing of Bandwidth and Computational Resource," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Dublin, Ireland, June 2020.

13. Yingyu Li, Yifang Zhu, Wotao Yin, Yang Liu, Guangming Shi, and Zhu Han, ”Prediction of high resolution spatial-temporal air pollutant map from Big Data sources.” International Conference on Big Data Computing and Communications, Taiyuan, China, August 2015, pp. 273-282.

14. Yingyu Li, Guangming Shi, Xuemei Xie, and Chongyu Chen, ”Compressive modulation in digital communication,” IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2013), Beijing, China, May 2013, pp. 1966-1969.


1. 何舟;张鹏;丁丹;平萍;王正;陈晓辉;肖泳;李莹玉,一种光信号调制系统及其产生的调制光信号的传输系统. 授权号:ZL202211508363.7

2. 肖泳;石光明;梁静明;李莹玉,语义知识库自动构建与更新方法、语义编码器与通信架构. 授权号:ZL202210070546.9

3. 肖泳;石光明;李燕;李莹玉,语义编码器、解码器和语义通信框架. 授权号:ZL202210058567.9

4. 肖泳;葛晓虎;李莹玉;张晓寒,一种网络切换方法和网络切换装置. 授权号:ZL202110529784.7

5. 石光明; 肖泳; 李莹玉; 高大华; 谢雪梅, 基于知识图谱共享的语义编/解码方法、设备和通信系统.授权号: ZL202110382108.1

6. 肖泳; 石光明; 葛晓虎; 夏荣; 李莹玉, 一种基于联邦生成模型的多业务数据生成和分类方法.授权号: ZL202110100171.1

7. 肖泳; 石光明; 葛晓虎; 朱慧翔; 李莹玉; 李强, 一种基于环境背景无线射频信号的运动识别方法.授权号: ZL202011411399.4
